Frequently asked Questions

About Musicland KTV

"Welcome to Musicland Ktv! One of the original karaoke places in the bay area. Since 2006, we have been the go-to spot for parties, birthdays, and fun nights out. from our wide selection of music to our premium rooms our customers are provided with the best service from our staff."

“欢迎来到 Musicland Ktv!海湾地区最初的卡拉 OK 场所之一。自 2006 年以来,我们一直是聚会、生日和欢乐夜晚的首选场所。从我们广泛的音乐选择到我们的高级客房,我们的客户我们的员工提供最好的服务。”



Can you bring outside food?


Yes, you can bring outside food.


Is there is minimum drinks fee?


No there are no minimum drink fees.


Is there is discount for birthday parties?


Yes, there is a 30% off discount for birthdays with ID.

(是的,生日有 30% 的折扣。仅限生日当天有效。显示 ID 以供证明。)

Are there any student discounts?


Yes, there is a 10% off discount for students with student ID. 

(是的,有学生证的学生可以享受 10% 的折扣。)

Is there a senior discount?


Yes, there is a 10% off discount for seniors with ID.

(是的,持身份证的老年人可享受 10% 的折扣。)

Can children under 18 karaoke?


Yes they can, there is no age limit for children.


Can I reserve a room on Monday-Wednesday?


Yes you can but you will have to reserve with us prior to Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.




Have any more questions? Contact us at (408) 435-2699!
